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Home > Medical Services> Surgery/Orthopedics

Dr.Yili Fu
Associate Chief Physician.     Surgery

Dr. Fu has been working at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital since graduating.

Dr. Fu has been working at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital since graduating.  With over 10 years of clinical practice, he has accumulated experience in treating tens of thousands of patients in the outpatient and emergency departments, as well as performing over 2000 thoracic surgeries.  He has extensive experience in diagnosing benign lung diseases, malignant lung tumors, and esophageal malignant tumors, as well as in minimally invasive surgery.  He has participated in multiple collaborative research projects and national natural science projects, and has published over 10 SCI papers and various academic articles as the first author in domestic and international professional journals.  He also serves as a special editor and reviewer for the Chinese Journal of Clinical Physicians (electronic version).< Return
Surgical treatment of lung cancer and other chest diseases such as pulmonary nodules.
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