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Home > Medical Services> Gastroenterology Center

Painless gastroenteroscopy

The Digestive Endoscopy Center of Beijing Shanfang Hospital, together with the Department of Anesthesiology, provides painless gastroenteroscopy diagnostic services, as well as capsule endoscopy diagnostic services for the whole digestive tract.


 Painless gastroenteroscopy

We provide painless gastroenteroscopy in conjunction with a team of famous third-grade doctors in Beijing

 Gastrointestinal tumors are a disease that can be prevented by effective screening, and the key to prevention is regular gastroenteroscopy.

The "painless gastroscopy colonoscopy" in Shanfang Hospital was conducted by the renowned dean professor doctor team of the Digestive Endoscopy Center of the third-class A Hospital: Lin Chunxiang, Director of the Department of Gastroenterology of Peking University International Hospital, Liu Jianxiang, deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of Peking University First Hospital, and Yu Li, Niu Yinglin, and Lv Fujing, chief physicians of Friendship Hospital, provide you with integrated services from consultation, endoscopy, result tracking and treatment.


Project highlights

The Olympus gastroenteroscopy system equipped by Shanfang Hospital has the advantages of clear image, double focus, wide field of vision, local emphasis, enlarged observation, narrowband imaging and other functions, which can greatly improve the detection rate of gastrointestinal diseases, especially early cancer. Moreover, the intelligent bending and variable hardness of endoscopy make endoscopy more smooth and safe, and significantly reduce the incidence of gastroenteroscopy complications.

The professional anesthesia team ensures the safety of anesthesia, the whole process is painless, and the postoperative recovery time is sufficient, giving customers a more comfortable experience of endoscopic diagnosis and treatment!


 Recommended inspector

People with high incidence of gastrointestinal tumors and family history, and people over 40 years old should receive endoscopic screening and regular screening.

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