
Plastic and Cosmetics Center

Plastic and Cosmetics Center

Plastic and Cosmetics Center

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Dr.Yong Huang
Chief Physician     Plastic and Cosmetics

In the nearly 20 years working in medical aesthetics, he has created unique new beauty concepts and distinctive operational methods.

Graduated in 1987 from Capital Medical University with a major in medical care, studied at Peking University Third Hospital and Peking University First Hospital, and has been working in clinical dermatology for 36 years. Developed unique ideas and methodologies for diagnosing and treating skin diseases through years of clinical practice.

In the past 20 years of medical aesthetics work, has formulated a distinctive concept of beauty and practical clinical experience. By combining internal adjustments with external treatments, patients achieve inner health and outer beauty, effectively addressing their core needs.

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Specializes in eczema, psoriasis, vasculitis, senile pruritus, herpes zoster, acne, flat warts, facial flaws, and facial skin rejuvenation treatment.< Return